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Junior Member

Posts: 15
Registered: 06-06-2003

posted on 06-06-2003 at 16:57 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

My name is Tony Bochene. I am the webmaster of this site, and author of THE FOREIGN BRIDE GUIDE. WELCOME!
I wanted to warn everyone about some of the newest scams that involve Russian ladies and Russian marriage agencies. Here is how it goes. A site offers to post your information for "FREE!"
Then just like magic within a few days you begin to get dozens of e-mails including photos. The snag is you have to pay to open the e-mail. Many times all you get is a form letter. Not all of these are total rip-offs but most are. First of all there is maybe one computer for every hundred Russians. So how do all these girls get an e-mail address? Next most Russians are working overtime just to break even, so how do the girls find the time to write e-mails?
Truthfully you don't even know if thses girls are girls, or if they even exist. One operation I know of is a Russian boiler room with a paid staff that spends all day answering e-mails. They use a standard format; "All I'm looking for is a good honest man, I'm a sincere loving woman.... and if you send me $1,200 I'll get my own visa and come to visit you."
They are professional letter writers, one of them is actually a man. They use a phoney photo and not only do they get you for the charge to open the e-mail but they try to get you to send more money through the mail.
Here is the bottom line boys; these compaines are playing off the fact that Americans are looking for easy instant gratification and hoping they can just whip out their credit card pick out a girl and she will magically appear on the door step. Sorry but it just doesn't work like that. It takes time and patience some serious effort on your part and you have to go there to meet her. Do not trust any girl who claims she can buy a visa, or already has her own and all you need to do is send plane fare. Do not pay to open e-mails unless you are sure this a real girl sponsored by a real company.
You have to go there to meet the ladies. There is no other way. Do not go to Russia or any other country just to meet one woman. Go on an organized tour and meet lots of ladies and make sure they are real. Stick with a reputable well known tour company, go with a group of other guys and do it right. Best of luck!
Tony B.
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Registered: 02-05-2004

posted on 02-06-2004 at 05:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Tony B,
I just started corresponding with a female from a web-site you just described. My question now is? Is the Web-site I'm using a legitimate web-site and not a scam. The name of the dating agency is called "Origin International Dating Club" have you heard it? The dating Agency has a ranking sytem to verify that the girl is for real. In need of your help, oh wise one !!!

The Queebes
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Junior Member

Posts: 14
Registered: 04-18-2004

posted on 04-18-2004 at 16:41 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
simple advice

Why not give it a try? Choose any Agency (Dating Service), write letter to any woman, get her reply and READ it. Repeat with Tony Bochene - Patience and persistence. Patience and persistence. Then read letter again :). Read each letter attentively... Call this woman after third letter, send her a flower and ask the photo with this flower from delivery service... Ask her questions, and read answers carefully. If you are really interested, you will understand real value and real potential for this relationship. Do not send her money, be positive and don't think about scam, better visit her and see if there is any chemistry between her and you...

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